"Checklog(chklog.com)" have three menu items.
"Write and share checklists."
"Audit the items using the checklists."
"View or compare the audit results of the items."
Do you understand?
I'll give you an example.I suppose you want to buy a new smart phone.
You will see smartphones of various models.
And, you think...
What is the best product?
Which phone is the best for me?
So you will search the information on Gooooogle, or visit the comparison site of smart phone.
And, search, search, and seeeeearch~
After this, you will think again... "So, which one is the best for me?"
At this time, let's think
What if you can evaluate and compare the items under the same conditions?
Besides, what if you can apply your own value criterion to the evaluation results?
Each person has different perspectives and value criterions.
The price of the phone may be important to some people.
The phone camera may be important to some other people.
Or, the quality of display for videos...
OK, in this "Checklog" site, you can do this.
- You can write and share your own checklist.
And this checklist will be a same conditions under which you or others can evaluate items.
Refer to the sample - smartphone specification checklist. - You can audit items using the checklist, and you can share the audit results.
(What is "item"? Item can be everything or everyone or even nothing. In the above example, the item is a smartphone.) - You can compare the audit results evaluated by you or someone else.Refer to the sample - search and compare audit results of smartphones.
Refer to the sample - compare smartphone spec.
Refer to the sample - Smartphone comparison post. - You can apply your own value criterion to the audit results.
You can personalize the weight, essential or score order of the checklist. So, the average score will be changed by the personalized checklist. - You can evolve the checklist through upgrading the version or deriving.
You can upgrade your checklist version.
And you or someone else can derive a new branch version from your checklist.
Please refer to the picture below.
Now, visit "Checklog" and change your life!
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